Instructions to Authors 

International Journal of Plant and Environment

(Published in both print and online versions)

[UGC-CARE ISSN No.: 2454-1117 (Print) and 2455-202X (Online), NAAS Score for Science Journals 2024: 5.14, NAAS Journal ID: I324]

A quarterly peer reviewed journal


  • Introduction

Submission of a manuscript to International Journal of Plant and Environment (IJPE) for publication implies that the same work has not been either published or under consideration for publication in another Journal. Authors, in their cover note to the Editor, have to clearly mention whether the manuscript shall be considered as a Review Article, Research Article, Mini review, Short Communication, Commentary, Research Update, or hypothesis and also confirm that the manuscript has not been submitted to any other Journal for publication. The journal is published quarterly and it is a peer-reviewed journal.

Authors desirous of submitting manuscripts for publication to the IJPE are advised to refer to the current issue of the Journal to enable them to follow the format and style of papers. Authors are also advised to go through the current set of Instructions to Authors and prepare their manuscripts accordingly. Information should be conveyed in simple language with the correct syntax. Care should be taken to avoid common errors like having abbreviations in the Title or Abstract, beginning a sentence with a numeral, adding “etc.” after a few examples, dropping articles and using “&” instead of 'and' in the text. The usage of standard abbreviations and symbols is encouraged. Manuscripts that fail to conform to the requirements of the Journal, as specified under Instructions to Authors, will be rejected outright.

Manuscripts should be concisely written and conform to the following general requirements: It should be typewritten in double-spaced in A4-sized sheets, only on one side, with a 2 cm margin on both sides. Normally, Review and research paper should be in the range of 5000-8000 words, Mini Review, Short communications, and other categories should be range of 2000-3000 words, 2 Fig. and table should be counted as 300 words. Pages should be numbered consecutively, starting with the title page.


    1. How to Prepare Manuscript for IJPE?

    2.1. Submission of article

    Original research paper/short notes/ critical reviews research updates to IJPE. However, for fast processing of your MS, your article should be submitted online by registering yourself at the submission link: ( and upload the files with the cover letter preferably in case of any problem during online submission MS may send at MS should be submitted in an editable format such as doc. or rtf. The text should be double-spaced throughout.

    2.2. Address

    Authors need to include their full mailing address, phone numbers and e-mail address and also to provide along with the MS, the names and addresses (including phone numbers & e-mail addresses) of 3-4 experts.

    2.3. Formatting

    The MS should be organized in the following manner:

    • Besides providing full title of the MS the authors should provide a short running title (about 60-70 characters) as well.
    • Please note that we need the full affiliation and email address with phone/mobile numbers of all the authors and their consent to be associated as one of the co-author with corresponding author too.
    • Please provide full corresponding address with phone/mobile and email.
    • Provide highlights (4-5 lines in bullet points)
    • Abstract (200-300 words), providing 4-5 key words.
    • Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results; Conclusions; Acknowledgment; Author contribution; Conflict of Interest; References.
    • All et al., should be italic.
    • Figure should be written as ‘Fig.’ in the MS. Figure legends may be given separately. Fig. and Table should be given at the end of MS in word.
    • The Manuscript should be line numbered.

    2.4. References

    Please include reference beyond 2000 and not before DOI must be included in the reference. References should be listed in alphabetical order. Names of the journals should not be abbreviated; full titles of papers, volume number of the journal and first and last page numbers should be given. All references must be cited chronologically in the text, giving author and year (Author et al., 2024; Author and Author, 2023; Author, 2022). If more than, one paper published by the same author(s) is cited for the same year, letters a, b, c etc. should follow the year. For more than two authors, et al., is to be used in all citations in the text. Follow the following reference format:

    2.4.1. Paper in journal (single author)

    Erofeeva, E. A. (2022). Hormesis in plants: Its common occurrence across stresses. Current Opinion in Toxicology30, 100333. ,

    2.4.1. Paper in journal (double author)

    Dhiman, S. K., & Agnihotri, A. (2023). Effect of the Static Magnetic Fields on the Circadian Rhythm in Arabidopsis thaliana. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PLANT AND ENVIRONMENT9(03), 210-217. DOI: 10.18811/ijpen.v9i03.04

    2.4.2. Paper in journal (more than one author)

    Chauhan, R., Awasthi, S., Tiwari, P., Upadhyay, M., Srivastava, S., Dwivedi, S., Dhankher, O. P., & Tripathi, R. D. (2024). Biotechnological Strategies for Arsenic Remediation to Improve Soil Health and Sustainable Agriculture. Soil & Environmental Health, 100061.

    2.4.3. Authored book

    Pandey, V.C., Gajic, G., Lebrun, M., Mahajan, P. (2023). Designer Cropping Systems for Polluted Land. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 412.

    2.4.4. Edited book

    Pandey, V.C. (Ed.) (2023). Bio-Inspired Land Remediation. Springer Cham, Switzerland, pp. 478. ISBN: 9783031049309,

    2.4.5. Chapter in edited book

    Ranđelović, D., Pandey, V.C. (2023). Bioenergy Crop-Based Ecological Restoration of Degraded Land. In: Pandey, V.C. (Ed.) Bio-Inspired Land Remediation. Springer Cham, Switzerland, pp. 1-29.

    2.5. Illustrations

    Figs. may be line drawings, drawings bar diagrams (with SD/SE) or photographs and must have legends that could be understood without referring to the text.

    2.6. Tables

    Tables to be submitted preferably in MS word or Excel format – separately from the text.

    2.7. Figures

    All figs. to be printed in black and white unless a fee is paid.

    1. General Information

    The MS should be line numbered. Soon after the acceptance of the paper the author(s) will be asked to transfer copyright to the publisher, i.e., ISEB, CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow.

    1. Plagiarism Report

    Initial evaluation process: Articles outside the scope of journal will be rejected at this initial phase and if they fall under scope they will be checked for plagiarism with iThenticate/ Turnitin software, usually manuscripts with similarity index below 10% are acceptable (excluding references) for further evaluation and similarity index over 20% will be considered as highly plagiarized. After extensive plagiarism check process, editor will evaluate the manuscript for English language verbiage, grammatical errors and any serious scientific flaws.

    1. Potential Reviewers

    Please provide 3-4 potential reviewers of related fields with their full affiliations (email and phone/mobile numbers) to review the manuscript.

    1. Proofs

    The corresponding author will receive the page proof by E-mail/PDF as a file, which may be corrected on Track change mode and returned. Only minor corrections/alterations should be allowed at this stage.

    1. Reprints and off Prints

    Free access to the final PDF offprint of the article will be made available to the author. The paper reprints/off prints may be ordered online and on a payment basis at the time of page proof correction.

    1. International Review Board

    Papers submitted to the journal are double-blind reviewed by qualified peers. An Advisory Editorial Board comprising leading experts has been constituted. Members of the Editorial Board will also be approached to review the articles. The International Society of Environmental Botanists (ISEB) have entrusted the following scientists with the responsibility of editing the Journal.

    The Editors of IJPE reserve the right to reject papers that, in view of the editorial board, are either of insufficient quality, or are not relevant enough to the subject area.


Please read “How to Prepare Manuscript for IJPE?” before submitting your contribution.

Correspondence with the authors are dealt only via <>.



Dr. Rudra Deo Tripathi

CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute

Lucknow-226001, Uttar Pradesh, India

Mobile: ++91-7376679779; Tel: ++91-522-2297825 Ext: 825 (O); 0522-4233762 (R)


Dr. P.V. Sane

CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute

Lucknow-226001, Uttar Pradesh, India

Mobile: ++91-9422774972


Prof. Albert Reif

University of Freiburg, Tennenbacher Str. 4 D-79085, Freiburg, Germany Phone: +49-7612033615
