Impact of Homa Organic Farming in Mitigating Soil, Water, and other Environmental Crises

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Ulrich Berk


Pollution of the atmosphere, the soil, and water resources are some of the biggest problems of our time, and it affects all areas of life, including agriculture. In this situation, it seems plausible to make use of every method, including traditional knowledge, which may help to overcome these problems (as it was suggested in the Convention on Biological Diversity, also known as the Rio Convention). Homa therapy, a method based on traditional Vedic knowledge, is said to bring nature back to harmony and thus remove pollution from our environment. But this method has to be understood and evaluated in terms of modern science. This will be done in this article. The method will be explained, and then an overview is given of completed and ongoing research into mitigating problems of the pollution of our atmosphere, the soil, and water resources. Also, the impact on agriculture and horticulture will be shown, and there will be suggestions for further research.

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How to Cite
Berk U. Impact of Homa Organic Farming in Mitigating Soil, Water, and other Environmental Crises. IJPE [Internet]. 2020Jan.31 [cited 2024Oct.22];6(01):56-67. Available from:
Review Article