Bougainvillea (Commerson and Jussieu): A Pollution and Drought Tolerant Plant

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Suresh Chandra Sharma
Yogesh Kumar Sharma


Bougainvillea, native of South American tropics and subtropics, is a tropical and subtropical woody, evergreen, shrubby vine. Due to
its brightly coloured bracts, the Bougainvillea is incomparable both in beauty and utility, particularly in the gardens of the tropics and
subtropics. It is grown in the ground as well as, in pots. So far worldwide 18 species have been reported and about 300 varieties have
been developed. Many crosses among the various species have produced new hybrid species and important horticultural cultivars. It
can thrive well in varied conditions of environment and soil. It can grow in most well-drained soils, and even in small pockets of soil in
between rocks. Its roots grow deep into the ground, become self-supporting, and require very little care and attention. Bougainvillea is
a pollution tolerant plant and can help in the mitigation of air pollution besides its ornamental value. Bougainvillea is used as an accent
plant, a specimen plant, in hanging baskets, in containers, and for bonsai purpose. Drought tolerance makes Bougainvillea ideal for
warm climates year-round. It is tolerant to salt, drought and resistant to wind. Due to the great demand, this ornamental plant requires
the appropriate management of the large scale plant production, and subsequently the adequate logistics. In fact, during the transport
Bougainvillea plants are often subjected to a water stress leading to various physiological disorders. Tolerance of plants to a drought
stress increases the resistance to the stress during the transport. Botanical Survey of India and CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute,
Lucknow has contributed significantly in its varietal development.

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How to Cite
Sharma SC, Sharma YK. Bougainvillea (Commerson and Jussieu): A Pollution and Drought Tolerant Plant. IJPE [Internet]. 2020Apr.30 [cited 2025Feb.23];6(02):103-9. Available from:
Review Article