Future Perspective of Seed Ball Technology For Creating New Ecosystem

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Raju Kannan
Venkidasamy Dhivya
T. Shivani Krupa Janani


Seed balls as a low-cost technology is unique, scattered in a controlled manner, and give life to new plants from vegetation deficient area, deforestation area, desert area, grassland area, agriculture and horticulture cultivable land area throughout the world. Seed balls became an important aspect of natural farming and conservation enterprises all over the world. This scheme in view of different funding given to government and private sectors is for improving ecosystems and getting a healthy environment with low-cost seed ball technology. Seed ball technology is useful for foundation of woods or remain of trees in a space where there was no past tree cover. Using seed ball technology many agricultural and horticultural crops may be grown in problematic soil without land preparation such as the plowing, weeding, and irrigation and protect from birds, ants, and unfavorable stress (abiotic and biotic).

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How to Cite
Kannan R, Dhivya V, Janani TSK. Future Perspective of Seed Ball Technology For Creating New Ecosystem. IJPE [Internet]. 2021Dec.31 [cited 2025Feb.23];7(04):293-6. Available from: https://ijplantenviro.com/index.php/IJPE/article/view/1376
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