Invasive Prosopis juliflora: Role in Maintaining the Ecosystem Resilience of the Banni Grassland in Arid Gujarat, India

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Asha Sharma
Arun K R Mahato
Anand K Naorem
Geeta Padate


Prosopis juliflora is one among the top hundred recognized invasive species worldwide. The synergized effect of arid climatic conditions
and inherent soil salinity channeled this species’s intentional introduction in Banni grassland. Due to the allelopathic effect of this species
the existence of native grass species is in danger. However, in recent years, P. juliflora has replaced many of the native vegetation and
is being recognized as an important species for the ecological stability of Banni grassland. Several ecologists have studied the role of
this species in stabilizing the grassland ecosystem. In the present paper, its economic role is broadly reviewed with the vegetation
cover maintained by it. In Banni grassland, the grass species grow only in monsoon and persists few months. For rest of the year (i.e. in
summer) the green cover is maintained by P. juliflora. However, this species has provided remarkable livelihood opportunities. Apart
from counting the negative effects, the counter-positive effects of the species have been recognized through this paper. P. juliflora has
slowly transformed the Banni grassland into woodland. It has also altered the micro-diversity in the soil and ultimately transformed
the whole ecosystem into new regimes. Eradication and reversion of P. juliflora spread is rather impossible. Hence, the management
aspects of P. juliflora that need to maximize its positive features are discussed.

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How to Cite
Sharma A, R Mahato AK, Naorem AK, Padate G. Invasive Prosopis juliflora: Role in Maintaining the Ecosystem Resilience of the Banni Grassland in Arid Gujarat, India. IJPE [Internet]. 2023Sep.28 [cited 2024Oct.18];9(03):183-91. Available from:
Review Articles
Author Biography

Asha Sharma, The M.S. University of Baroda, Vadodara 390002 India.

Ph.D.  Scholar

Department of Environmental Studies