Enhancing Health Through Telemedicine and Ayurvedic Resources: A Sustainable Model

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Repu D. Chand
Ranjana Rajnish
Hem Chandra
Ram S. Dwivedi
Rana P. Singh


Increasing awareness with herbal and ayurvedic medicine have been found to pave the way for stable and non-ramification effect on cure of human and environmental health in present experiment at remote sites located at higher elevation of 1034m (3392 ft) to 1794 m (5886 ft) above sea level on Himalayan range. Out of total 210 people interviewed at three locations viz Chalthi, Narendra Nagar and Pratap Nagar in Tehri Garwal area of Uttarakhand state, India, 84.8% to 100% people responded, positively about Glycyrrhizin (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Steviosides (Stevia rubaudiana), Trilobatin (Symplocos paniculata), Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica), Finger millet (Eleusine coracana) and Cynarin along with 16.5% alcohol (Cynara scolymus) providing relief from lethal disease like diabetes, high blood pressure, hepatitis, liver, digestive disorders and cancerous diseases. This approach corroborated with UTPHM (ubiquitous telemedicine platform for herbal medicine) conceptual method applied in this experiment.  Secondly, the general health appearance of Himalayan residents at experimental sites was found to be better than Mana (Chamoli) that located at high elevation of 10,500 ft above sea level (very cold and freezing environment) where all experimental plants including non sacchariferous super sweet plants (NSSS plant) failed to survive. This indicates that experimental plants appear to raise O2 pressure in the environment and NSSS plants provided protection to human being from the danger of UV rays for maintaining better health at experimental sites. Such integrated techniques have been found to enhance the accessibility, cost effectiveness, personalized care and reshaping of ecofriendly environment in harnessing full potential of telemedicine approach at remote places on Himalayan hills.

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How to Cite
Chand RD, Rajnish R, Chandra H, Dwivedi RS, Singh RP. Enhancing Health Through Telemedicine and Ayurvedic Resources: A Sustainable Model. IJPE [Internet]. 2024Nov.30 [cited 2025Feb.12];10(03):131-7. Available from: https://ijplantenviro.com/index.php/IJPE/article/view/2056
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