Dynamics of Phylloplane and Rhizoplane Mycoflora in Sustainable Crop Management of Green Gram and Black Gram

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Kailash S. Lokhande
Amit A. Jagiya
Arun Zingare


The phyloplane and rhizoplane mycoflora play crucial roles in the health and productivity of black gram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper) and green gram (Vigna radiata L.), two major legume crops grown extensively across the globe.This comprehensive review examines the multifaceted interactions between these mycoflora and their host plants, focusing on their contributions to plant health. The review synthesizes current research findings on the diversity, composition, and ecological functions of phyloplane and rhizoplane mycoflora in green gram and black gram ecosystems. Furthermore, it elucidates the mechanisms by which these mycoflora communities influence plant growth promotion, disease suppression, nutrient uptake, and stress tolerance in their host plants. Moreover, the review discusses the impact of agricultural practices, environmental factors, and microbial interactions on the dynamics of phyloplane and rhizoplane mycoflora, highlighting avenues for future research and sustainable agricultural management strategies. This review underscores the importance of understanding the intricate relationships between phyloplane and rhizoplane mycoflora and their host plants for enhancing the health and resilience of green gram and black gram crops in agroecosystems.

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How to Cite
Lokhande KS, Jagiya AA, Zingare A. Dynamics of Phylloplane and Rhizoplane Mycoflora in Sustainable Crop Management of Green Gram and Black Gram. IJPE [Internet]. 2024Nov.30 [cited 2025Feb.12];10(03):174-8. Available from: https://ijplantenviro.com/index.php/IJPE/article/view/2085
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