Evaluation of Phytoremediation Potential of Some Invasive Plant Species Near an Ash Disposal Site

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Ashutosh Pandey
Sanjay Dwivedi
Soumit K. Behera
Vinay K. Singh
Vivek Pandey


Present study focused on evaluating heavy metal accumulation potential of invasive plant species growing near an ash disposal site of a thermal power station. A total number of 8 invasive plant species (weeds) were collected and screened for heavy metal (Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb) accumulation. Results showed that the soil was slightly acidic (pH -6.8) with a high concentration of  Fe (10133 mg kg-1dw) while the concentrations of Mn and Cu were (72 and 51 mg kg-1dw)respectively. The bioaccumulation of heavy metals varied in various plant species.The maximum level of Fe (988 mg kg-1dw) and Ni (11 mg kg-1dw) was found inSolanumnigrum and Euphorbia prostrata, respectively. Ageratum conyzoides was the most efficient plant for metal accumulation from FA-contaminatedsites among all species. In general, the concentration of heavy metals was higher in shoots than in roots for most of the plants which means that these plant species can be usedfor phytoextraction of heavy metals, thus helping in the phytoremediation of fly ash-contaminated soil.

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How to Cite
Ashutosh Pandey, Sanjay Dwivedi, Soumit K. Behera, Vinay K. Singh, Pandey V. Evaluation of Phytoremediation Potential of Some Invasive Plant Species Near an Ash Disposal Site. IJPE [Internet]. 2024Nov.30 [cited 2025Feb.12];10(03):163-8. Available from: https://ijplantenviro.com/index.php/IJPE/article/view/2116
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