Prevention and Control of Anaemia by Unani Intervention

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Dr. Safder Husain
Arish Mohammad Khan Sherwani, Professor
Arish Mohammad Khan Sherwani, Professor


Anaemia is still common in India, and its prevalence has increased across all age groups. The prevalence of anaemia has increased by 2–9% among infants, pregnant and non-pregnant women, and men, according to data from the National Family Health Survey 5 (NFHS-5)
released on November 24, 2021. For over 2000 years, the Unani system of Medicine (USM) a unique and comprehensive medical system, has ruled in terms of theory and practise. Its beliefs and practises differ from western medicine and may not be completely associated
with it, but they are still significant because they are well-considered, comprehensive, and advocate for a holistic approach to health care. The data was collected from 17 ancient Unani books, the Indian Pharmacopoeia of Unani, and other manuscripts. Unani system
recommends specific diet and Unani drugs for the prevention and intervention of Anaemia.

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How to Cite
Husain DS, Sherwani AMK, Sherwani AMK. Prevention and Control of Anaemia by Unani Intervention. IJPE [Internet]. 2023Aug.8 [cited 2024Oct.22];9(01):85-8. Available from:
Mini Review Articles


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