Occurrence and Conservation Status of Ceropegia anjanerica Malpure et al., in Nasik District

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Nikam P. Dinkar
Shinde H. Prabhakar
Pawar R. Prabhakar
Waghmode A. Vitthal


The present review article deals with the distribution, morphology, habitat, ecology, threat, and conservation status of Ceropegia anjanerica Malpure et al., in and around Nasik district. The genus Ceropegia L. belongs to the subfamily Asclepiadoideae (milk weeds) within the
family Apocynaceae. A total of 6 species and 2 varieties of this genus have been recorded in Nasik district viz., C. anjanerica Malpure; Kamble and Yadav, C. bulbosa Roxb. var. bulbosa, C. bulbosa Roxb. var. lushii (Graham) Hook.f., C. hirsuta Wight and Arn., C. lawii Hook.f.,
C. mahabalei Hemadri and Ansari, C. media (H. Huber) Ansari and C. vincifolia Hook. Of these species, C. anjanerica is the ‘endangered’ plant species endemic to Anjaneri hills of Nasik district part of the northern western Ghats. The plant body is erect herbaceous with
tuberous rootstock, tubers are generally 2-5 cm in diameter, globose or discoid with fibrous roots. Recent investigations show that this species has been recorded from hill tops, plateaus, and adjacent village areas.

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How to Cite
Dinkar NP, Prabhakar SH, Prabhakar PR, Vitthal WA. Occurrence and Conservation Status of Ceropegia anjanerica Malpure et al., in Nasik District. IJPE [Internet]. 2023Aug.8 [cited 2025Feb.23];9(01):81-4. Available from: https://ijplantenviro.com/index.php/IJPE/article/view/1491
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